The following conditions apply to access, visit or use this website Any user who either accesses, visits or uses it is considered to be consensual and unconditionally accepts the following conditions set forth in this document, without any exceptions.


Organization ,

Content is defined as all data, software, databases, metadata, and any other intellectual property that may be protected by copyright in accordance with Law 2121/1993, depending on whether time protection has expired or the use is subject to copyright exceptions .

Use of the services of the site is considered to be using in any way.
Anyone who uses the site is considered a user.
This Service is defined as the processing of functions based on digital technologies that serve the needs of the user.

Subscribers are defined as users who subscribe to the services provided by the Provider and give their consent to the processing of their personal data.

Legal use

Use of the Website should be carried out only for legitimate purposes, in accordance with the conditions set forth in this document, and in a manner that does not limit or impede their use by third parties. The user of the Website should not take any actions or omissions that could lead to its malfunction and adversely affect or jeopardize the provision of services to users.

General terms

For has and reserves the right to change or revise the terms of use and any other information contained on this site at any time when it considers it necessary, undertaking to notify you of any changes on the pages of this site. They can always be amended or revised in the context of existing and current legislation (national and community).

Intellectual Property Rights

All content on this site, including such content (including but not limited to) distinguishing names, signs, images, graphics, photographs, drawings, texts and other content, is the intellectual property of and are protected by the relevant provisions of Greek law, European law and international conventions or the intellectual property of third parties, for which was licensed for its own exclusive needs and for the operation of its website. Any copying, transferring to a server or creating derivative works based on this content or misleading the public with the actual provider of the site is prohibited. Reproduction, reproduction, download, announcement, distribution or transmission or distribution, as well as any other use of the content in any way or medium for commercial or other purposes is permitted only with the prior written consent of PALSO. If you want to use this website exclusively for your computer and for personal purposes, this non-exclusive, non-transferable and limited license may be granted only by us subject to the written consent of us.

This agreement includes the unchanged information displayed on our website in accordance with the applicable copyright and trademark laws, as well as full agreement with all terms of use of this website.

User Responsibility

The user agrees and agrees to use the information, data and general content of the site, as provided by law, also in accordance with the rules of good faith and conduct. It is expressly prohibited: 1. To send, publish, send by e-mail or transmit or reproduce in any other way any content that is illegal for any reason, unlawfully violates and damages the PALSO or any third party or violates the confidentiality or confidentiality of any information 2 sending, publishing, sending by e-mail or transmitting or reproducing in any other way any content that infringes on the moral of users, social values, malice, etc. 3. send Publish, publish, send by email or transmit or otherwise reproduce any content for which users are prohibited from transmitting in accordance with applicable laws or conventions (for example, internal information received by confidential and confidential information, or disclosed as part of an employment relationship or falls within validity of confidentiality agreements), 4. sending, publishing, e-mailing or transmitting or reproducing in any other way any infringing content a, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other property rights of any kind, 5. send, publish, send by e-mail or otherwise transmit or reproduce any material containing software viruses or any other codes, files or programs designed to interrupt, damage, destroy or equip any computer software or hardware, 6. intentionally or unintentionally violate applicable law Twa or regulations 7. persecution by third parties, in any case, 8. collect or store personal data about other users.

Limited license in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this document and all applicable laws and regulations, provides you with a non-exclusive, non-transferable, personal, limited right to access, use and represent this site and its contents. This License is not a transfer of ownership of the Website and its components and is subject to the following restrictions: (1) You must retain all copies of the Website and its components, all notices of copyright and other property rights, and (2)) you You cannot in any way modify the Website and its data, as well as reproduce or publicly display, distribute or otherwise use the Website and its information for any public purposes; You purpose, unless otherwise permitted in this document, (3) prior written consent of PALSO. In addition to this limited license, you are not granted any express or implied rights or licenses under any other trademarks, patents, copyrights, or any other intellectual or other property rights.

Reproduction of an article or content on this site is strictly prohibited without mentioning the source of the source (source), and for this it is necessary to obtain permission from this source, since PALSO does not have the rights to the articles of third parties.

Links to the site

Links contained on this site may lead or link to sites or sources other than These linked sites are not under the control of and is not responsible for the content of any such website or any link contained on the linked website, as well as for any changes or updates to such websites. not responsible for the webcast or any form of transmission received from any linked website. provides these links to its website only to facilitate the use of its website, their use is not obligatory for the visitor / user, and the fact that they are included in his website does not mean that www approves or accepts their content. Therefore, this website is not responsible for any of your transactions with third parties, even if you know about their existence through us. In addition, he is not responsible for any content, services, products or other materials that exist or are available on these sites or in sources.

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